Meeting #1:

Monday, September 20, 2004

Meeting held at 7:00pm


At tonight’s meeting positions were decided upon and are as follow:

  • Leader: Sara Pagliaro
  • Librarian:  Tom Hackett
  • Web Master:  Mike Cervone
  • Systems Administrator:  John Sawicki
  • Software Consultant:  Sean Hannon

Also the team name was decided upon and is Spartacus Computing Solutions.  The regular meeting time was established to be 7pm on Mondays and as needed during the week.  We will be meeting with our clients either Wednesday or Thursday morning.



Meeting #2

Wednesday, September 22, 2004.

Meeting held at 8:45am during class


At our quick meeting this morning our team decided upon our Software Plan #1.

Our team structure is a Democratic team.

We also decided upon a team meeting for Thursday, September 23, at 7pm.

We also informally talked with Dr. Lederman about software plans.

Finally we were reminded about our client meeting today at 1:30.



Meeting #3

Monday, September 27, 2004

Meeting held at 7:00pm


Tonight’s meeting was held for the main objective to put our software plan together.  After placing all the sections in order we decided that we would meet again on Tuesday, September 28 in order to finalize our presentation.



Meeting #4

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Meeting held at 7:30pm


Tonight’s meeting is to put together our project presentation for Wednesday, September 29th, 2004 at 8:15am.  Besides placing the slides together for the presentation, we also practiced our presentation which included choosing three presenters which will be Sara, Tom, and Mike.



Meeting #5

Monday, October 4, 2004

Meeting held at 7:00pm


Tonight’s meeting was a quick meeting in which the team members received the evaluation sheets that needed to be completed.  Also the team discussed the course of action for the next client meeting that is to be held on Wednesday.  The meeting concluded with a review of our prior presentation and an overlook of the progress of our team website.



Meeting #6

Monday, October 11, 2004

Meeting held at 7:00pm


Meeting was held for the team to discuss how we would handle the client meetings.  Team members all had an input on questions for the upcoming client meetings and the direction that those meeting would take.  Also the team decided that instead of everyone attending the client meetings, there would be a rotating system for who would go to the client meetings enabling a way to always have 3 team members at the client meetings.



Meeting #7

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Meeting held at 7:00pm


At this meeting, our team divided up the sections for the upcoming document that is due in a week and a half.  After breaking up the document work, we concentrated on the assignment for Friday which was our preliminary designs for context diagrams.  These diagrams will be presented on Friday to see where we are at.



Meeting #8

Monday, October 25, 2004

Meeting held at 7:00pm


Tonight’s meeting started off by compiling questions for the next client meeting.  We were working on the exact layout for the web site of the software.  Also we worked on our documents and also talked about Sara’s meeting with Dr. Lederman and the tips that she received from him.  After discussing the last few client meetings, we started to start questioning exactly how the web format will work for the changes and the most efficient way to make this work.



Meeting #9

Monday, November 1, 2004

Meeting held at 7:00pm


Tonight’s meeting was used to put together our document that will be due this week.  Also we decided who will be presenting on Wednesday and put our presentation together.  For the document that was due, we only had a couple of alterations to be made. 



Meeting #10

Monday, November 8, 2004

Meeting held at 2:15pm


Today there was a meeting with Jim Sebalik of the registrar office.  This meeting was used to find out about access to the Banner database.  We will be using a few tables to pull information from the catalog.  To do this, we will sign confidentiality reports then Mr. Sebalik will send verification to I&TS to enable us access.



Meeting #11

Monday, November 12, 2004

Meeting held at 7:00pm


Tonight’s meeting was used to review the graded document.  Also we explored options to meet with Dr. Lederman to discuss our Requirement Specifications.  We discussed the meeting that was held with Jim Sebalik about using the Banner information for the catalog inputs.  This includes getting security access to output queries from banner for the catalog inputs. 



Meeting #12

Monday, November 15, 2004

Meeting held at 7:00pm


Tonight’s meeting was used to review the Requirement Specification document in preparation for the meeting with Dr. Lederman about the document.  Also we broke up the sections for the Preliminary Design document due in December.  Also we went through the catalog and figured out the hierarchy for changes and what every section of the catalog is.  We also discussed the option of drawing straws in which the recipient of the shortest straw would have to do the entire document, but this got voted down.  We also looked at past team documents to start to work on this document.  This meeting concluded with the scheduling of another meeting on Wednesday night.



Meeting #13

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Meeting held at 7:00


This meeting was held to divide up the work for the upcoming document.  This document will consist of working as groups on the section to help alleviate the workload on some sections.  After we divided the work up, we began to work on sections and make plans to do work.



Meeting #14

Monday, November 22, 2004

Meeting held at 7:00


This meeting was used to review what was discussed at a meeting between Mr. Serbalik and Tom.  This gave incite on what will be needed from the Banner database and how that information can be retrieved.  Also we made plans for future meetings and doing work on the document.



Meeting #15

Monday, November 29, 2004

Meeting held at 7:00


This meeting was used to get more work done on the design document and also made plans for when group members was going to meet later in the week to finish up their sections.



Meeting #16

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Meeting held at 7:00


Sunday’s meeting was held in order to reestablish the team to the new semester.  Mike is the new team leader and Sara is a sub-group leader.  We will be meeting as a team on Sundays and Thursdays.  Also our client meetings will be on Thursday afternoon.  Also everyone will begin to look at MySQL or PHP for the coded of our software.



Meeting #17

Thursday, February 3, 2005

Meeting held at 7:00


This meeting was held to inform the entire team about the client meeting that was held earlier in the day. At this meeting, the team was broken into sub teams to work on specific aspects of the project.  Sara and Sean will concentrate on the database while Tom and John will work on the test plan.  Mike will work with both groups to ensure that everyone knows what is going on with the project.



Meeting #18

Monday, February 7, 2005

Meeting held at 7:00


This meeting was held to catch up on what had been done over the weekend.  John found an IEEE test plan summery that will be used for the test plan while Sean and Sara started the early process of getting database information from Dr. Lederman and Chuck Flood from Initech.



Meeting #19

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Meeting held at 7:00


This meeting was held to remind us that the test plan was due on the upcoming Tuesday, February 15, 2005.  He also told us that he would rather us have the test plan done early so he can go over it.



Meeting #20

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Meeting held at 8:00


This team meeting was held to further discuss the work that was done on the document.  Besides document talk, the team discussed the database that is needed and also talked about information received from meetings between members of the team and various individuals who will be of assistance.



Meeting #21

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Meeting held at 8:00


This team meeting was held to put the document together.  After everyone handed in their respective sections of the document, we talked about who would present which parts of the presentation on Tuesday.



Meeting #22

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Meeting held at 8:00


This meeting was held to begin the final step of the project.  All members of the team were assigned their different parts for the project and with spring break approaching; work will be done this week.  Mike went through with each team member and reviewed what is expected of them.


Meeting #23

Thursday, March 31, 2005


            This meeting was used to discuss with the team all work that was done prior to and including spring break.  Besides this we decided that client meetings would not be conducted unless they are needed.



Meeting #24

Sunday, April 10, 2005


            This meeting was used for the purpose of all team members knowing exactly where they stood on what work had to be done.  Also we knew that the project will be due in a few weeks and the group would prefer to get the software multiple days of testing.



Meeting #25

Monday, April 12, 2005

Meeting held at 8:15


            This meeting was used to discuss the project of Killer Robot.  We all received our questions and went over the presentation.